The Dulcimer Guy

Official website of Matthew Dickerson 2012 National Hammer Dulcimer Champion.

Matthew Dickerson is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist and National Champion on the hammered dulcimer.  His record and performances offer a delightful compilation of crowd favorites ranging from traditional, to classical, to 100% original.

Holly Jolly Bingo Giveaway!

To celebrate the Christmas season, we are introducing a bingo game! WINNER GETS A FREE CD!

Game Instructions & Rules:

1. Choose 25 words from the list below. Write them down to save for yourself AND email your list to my email: or use the contact form here on this website. Include your name in your email.

2. All list submissions must be received by MIDNIGHT (EST), Friday, December 11th.

3. Beginning Saturday, December 12th, I will post 12-15 randomly chosen words each day. Words will be posted around 8 am EST until the first person reaches BINGO!

4. Participants will want to check our Facebook or blog each and every day to find out what words were called and cross them off your list!

5. As soon as you have crossed off all 25 words, please leave a comment posting “BINGO!” I will double check your list to make sure it is a good bingo and will announce the winner on Facebook and the dulcimer guy blog. Even if someone has called “Bingo”, please continue to post “Bingo” until a winner is announced.

6. Multiple family members are welcome to play, just send me the separate lists for each of you.


The prize this year will be one of The Dulcimer Guy's CD's, "When I'm Happy and I Know It". Even if you already own one of Matthew's CD's you can enter to win it for a friend. (I'll contact the winner by email to ask where to ship it.)


Remember, choose 25 words from the list below. Write them down to save for yourself AND email your list to my email: Include your name!

Deadline to get your email with your words submitted is:

MIDNIGHT (EST) Friday, December 11th.

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