The Dulcimer Guy

Official website of Matthew Dickerson 2012 National Hammer Dulcimer Champion.

Matthew Dickerson is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist and National Champion on the hammered dulcimer.  His record and performances offer a delightful compilation of crowd favorites ranging from traditional, to classical, to 100% original.

June Recap

This summer has been flying by! Matthew has been on the road a lot since finishing his CD, some of which we have been able to go with him on. Over the next few posts, I'll try to do a little update with some of the happenings from this summer....

Below is a picture of a banner he made for his display table for events. We practiced with the setup in the garage to see how to best display his items. I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but the "Dulcimer Guy & Gal" shirts are hanging from mic stands! Ha! I guess if you are a traveling musician you use the things that are readily available!


After finishing the CD, Matthew had about a week before he had to be up at Kentucky Music Week. In the meantime worked on this HUGE swing-set for the the boys and I. They love it and it's been a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Matthew and his boys enjoying some snuggle time....


He also had the opportunity to perform for a wedding up in the mountains, so we all went along for the ride and enjoyed the whole day walking trails, driving through the mountains, eating lunch in the car while it rained, ;-) before heading up to Pretty Place for the wedding.


In this picture, you can see just why it's called Pretty Place! It's an open air chapel up in the mountains overlooking the valley. Absolutely gorgeous. From what I hear, the waiting list to book this place is about two years! (The official name is the Fred. W. Symmes Chapel.) You can find more information here:


Stay tuned for the Kentucky Music Week post!

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