The Dulcimer Guy

Official website of Matthew Dickerson 2012 National Hammer Dulcimer Champion.

Matthew Dickerson is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist and National Champion on the hammered dulcimer.  His record and performances offer a delightful compilation of crowd favorites ranging from traditional, to classical, to 100% original.

So Sings My Strings - CD & MP3's

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So Sings My Strings - CD & MP3's


Matthew Dickerson is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist and national champion on the hammered dulcimer. This album features his all-original compositions, combining his music writing skills and cheerful dulcimer talent with some of the best musicians from the midlands of South Carolina. Whether you are looking for music to put you to sleep or a tune that is sure to make you dance, this album will not disappoint.

Scroll down to see each title description and sound samples.

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Individual Mp3's and Sound Samples

Cumberland Dance

Cumberland Dance

Cumberland Dance - I had this tune running though my head as I was driving though the Cumberland Gap on interstate 75 while driving back and forth from Ohio to South Carolina during my court'n days to see my girl. While spending some off time in Florida I nailed down the specifics of the tune and called it the Cumberland Dance. ~ Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, Upright Bass, and Cajon

Edisto Waltz

Edisto Waltz

Edisto Waltz - My wife had asked me how I come up with new tunes. So I pulled my dulcimer out and started showing her some concepts I use. Through showing her some examples I started to play what has now become the Edisto Waltz. The name is dedicated to the Edisto River just a couple miles from where I live. This black-water river is full of wildlife and runs all the way to Edisto Beach where it flows out into the ocean. ~ Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, Low G Whistle, and Upright Bass

Mosquito On A String

Mosquito On A String

Mosquito On A String - I had loosely come up with this tune a couple of weeks before performing in Evart Michigan at Fun Fest. After my performance I played it as an encore and asked the audience to name the tune by writing their submissions and contact information on a paper down by the CD table; the winner would get a free album shipped to them. We had a great time running through all of the names everyone submitted while driving home. One of the folks in the audience had been experiencing a lot of mosquitoes while jamming with their dulcimer in the campgrounds at night. The name they submitted seemed to match the sound of the tune. So we named it Mosquito On A String. 

~ Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, and Upright Bass

A Beautiful Thing

A Beautiful Thing

A Beautiful Thing - As a twelve year old boy I would sit on a large fallen tree suspended high over a creek that ran nearby our home in Ohio and watch the water run below my feet. Even as a twelve year old I thought it would be a romantic place to take my girl someday (although at the time I had no girlfriend). In my minds eye I would sit on that log and I would call her "a beautiful thing". A couple of years later the tree was swept away by a flood long before I ever had a sweetheart. But my immature romantic fantasy lives on in memory through this song I wrote when I was nineteen years old. It is now dedicated to my life-long sweetheart and best friend Kelsey Dickerson - you are my "beautiful thing". 

~ Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, Upright Bass, and Cajon

Leap Frog

Leap Frog

Leap Frog - This is the first tune I wrote shortly after I made my first hammer dulcimer at the age of 15. Of course it has developed from a few chord progressions to a calypso style, bouncy tune with congas and an upright bass. I named it "Leap Frog' due to the large jumps that are heard in the melody. It remains one of my favorite tunes to play. 

~ Hammer Dulcimer, Upright Bass, Congas, and Shaker

So Sings My Strings

So Sings My Strings

So Sings My Strings - This was the first tune to be recorded for the project. Actually, it was recorded before I had planned on making this album. Writing and recording So Sings My Strings gave me the itch to keep making original music. So with this tune kicking off the project I thought it very appropriate to make it the title song. Typically when I make a recording I will first make a few rough drafts to work out the wrinkles in the tune. This take here is the first and original take. I had no idea that this version of the tune would be the final take. After trying another half a dozen times I couldn't quite get the feeling that this take possesses. So I kept it.

~Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, and Whistle

It's Way Too Late

It's Way Too Late

It's Way Too Late - I had this "hook" I was working on trying to develop it into a full tune. After a couple of months everything I tried to write just would not fit. I really wanted this tune to be on the album. As the days were approaching for this album project to come to a close I decided it just had to be done. So at about 15 after 10PM I went out to my studio and for the last time tried messing with this tune once again. At roughly a quarter till midnight I emerged from the studio and went to bed where my wife was patiently waiting for me. She asked if I made anything of the tune. I said "Yes, actually, I finished it! But it's way too late."

~ Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, and Percussion

Cricket Dance/Home Defense

Cricket Dance/Home Defense

Cricket Dance/Homed Defense -  One of the reasons we ended up living where we are now is that there was a decent size room off of the garage where I could put a studio. I was thrilled to have my own studio space. But that summer the garage and studio were completely over run with crickets - tons of them. You couldn't even see the carpet right in front of the window due to the plethora of dead crickets who died whilst trying to escape out the window. And as you can imagine, attempting to record audio while crickets are constantly chirping can drive you a little insane. But thanks to the folks over at Ortho, they've made this product called "Home Defense" -yeah, it kills crickets. Even I must admit, though, that there is something nostalgic about the sound of crickets. So this song was named for all my little, black, shiny pests who lost their lives so I can bring you this production - "mostly" chirping free. The other half of this medley is in celebration of their demise. 

-Guitar, Whistle, Hammer Dulcimer, and Cajon

Repeat After Me

Repeat After Me

Repeat After Me - In case you haven't heard, musicians have this thing I call music hour, and it only occurs after bedtime. If left unchecked it could ruin a good relationship with your spouse. Late one evening/night I was in bed with the dulcimer on my lap (not a recommended way to play) just a play'n away. I started to develop these repeating phrases first playing in a higher octave, then repeating the phrase in a lower octave. Much to my delight it became very fun to play. While playing this newly developed tune in bed my wife videoed the bedroom concert with her phone (that's usually how we remember new spur-of-the-moment compositions) and posted it on social media. I got a lot of name submissions related to being in bed. I named it "Repeat After Me" because that's exactly what the tune is saying.

~Hammer Dulcimer and Cajon      

Log Cabin Lullaby

Log Cabin Lullaby

Log Cabin Lullaby - I developed this tune while my wife and I were on our first anniversary outing. We spent it at a log cabin by a large private pond. (Fun fact: the cabin happened to be right down the road from James Brown's mansion!) I had brought my guitar along because girls like that sort of thing and it's the romantic thing to do on your anniversary. {smile} I pulled out my guitar one evening and started playing what would become Log Cabin Lullaby.

-Guitar, Hammer Dulcimer, and Whistle

Endless Day

Endless Day

Endless Day - I remember developing this tune shortly before moving from Ohio to South Carolina. As I recall I was working on hand separation and percussive rudiments which of course makes sense if you listen to the piece. I was going for a big sound with a grandiose feeling. As a soloist I endeavor to create full arrangements embodying both melody and accompaniment. This is challenging for Dulcimer players since we play with just two hammers in hand. This tune has become a popular choice for wedding ceremony recessionals.

-Hammer Dulcimer, Guitar, and Cajon

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